Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Coming Soon: Kean might be trying to keep Student Org under-the-covers...

Why do we say this?  Certainly SO has a prominent face on campus, but reference to it is lacking as far as reports to the Middle States Board of Accreditation are concerned.  In fact, the Organization is not mentioned at all in the Self-Study Report that we've been telling you about for the past few months!

We think the reason has something to do with a little known plan to further reduce our student government.  SO already lost its independence from the Administration but, if this happens the way it looks like its going to, SO will be little more than a funded group like, say, Crusaders for Christ, or the Asian Culture Club.

We think the school purposefully neglected to mention Student Org so that, once the next step of the transition is complete, it won't stand out as an issue in discussions pertaining to the renewal of Kean's accreditation.

Also, here's some food for thought:  A week or so ago we told you that our fees, in total, have increased 148.9%.  Well, as it turns out, our Student Activities Fee (the fee that contributes to funding Student Org and, through them, Student Groups) has remained constant at $63.75 since 2001.  That means that it is one of the smallest fees we pay each semester.  What does that say about how Kean views its Students?

More to come soon...

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